Thursday 22 May 2008

Warcraft Millionaire - The First WOW Millionaire For Real? Find Out Now!

You may have heard about a new guide that has been released called Warcraft Millionaire with a guy called Brad Johnson claiming he has struck gold and become the first World of Warcraft Millionaire.

There has been quite a few gold guides released that all claim how to tell you to make masses of gold in World of Warcraft so this blog will tell you a bit more about Warcraft Millionaire and whether or not it can help you get rich in WOW!

I must admit the first time my friend emailed me about this guide I though "Great another scam" and have hearted clicked on the link to check out the site.

The first thing that struck me was the video on the site actually shows the creator (Brad) showing you his different characters and how much gold they have!

As you probably know alot of WOW gold guides out there will show you screenshots of gold but these can be from test servers or modded screenshots so I was quite impressed that Warcraft Millionaire actually shows cold hard proof of how much gold he has with his characters.

Click Here To Check Out The Video Proof From The Warcraft Millionaire

Also the other interesting thing is that you can see the player has actually reached the gold cap of 214,748 gold!

I mean before watching the video I didn't even know there was a gold cap but there it is clear as day!

So what is the secrets of Warcraft Millionaire?

Well, without giving anything away it is all in the auction house as is actually very easy! The guide will show you how to make masses amount of gold VERY quickly and without costing a huge amount of time or effort!

Never mind saving up to get one epic you will be able to get an epic for each one of your players with this guide!

Anyway that is enough of me waffling, click the link below and download the Warcraft Millionaire guide and also get some SECRET bonuses too:

Warcraft Millionaire